Mr. LoNely

Mr lonely needs more friends...=)

Unexpectedly this sem I have met quite many of new friends huh =)

Some time I feel like the rule is true....You gain something new when you lost something....

Recently become slightly closer with hewmeiteng, yatyishan without reason =)
Both also crazy maybe? enjoyed the other day when we were chatting in OLD TOWN during break time....But I need some time to used to the way they laugh..WITH BREAK!!and AK 47 bullet keep shooting on your face...==" HAO SHUI GIN..XD

another gang huh...Panda, Suefei, and Angeline....

Panda always call me pandI==" which mean pig in TAMIL...most probably learnt from Angeline..and she says if we combine together will become PANDAI==" what kind of theory is this...=D

Suefei =)a sweet girl but like seldom see her smiling..She can speak english well but some time mix with chinese and malay =P A girl who likes to eat ice cream so so much ...I owe her many cup of it =) hahaha!

Angeline...=) An active Indian girl ....hahaha...her sonsy and like positive thinking behaviour leave me a good impression..XD And I was shocked when she said this to me :" Ni de yan jing....hen mei.." HAHA.....stunned...and say thank you to her...she learnt it from panda>.<"

there are still many of them ....and Im happy to have more more more friends=D come on babeh~ hahaha!


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About Me

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about me har~? normal people but wish to make more friends....=D

ah pek and I ^^

ah pek and I ^^

(o0o)? hahaha...

(o0o)? hahaha...

My target......

-Try not to be emo ...

- Try to be single but not alone...

-Try to study hard....

-Try learning how to manage time and money...

-Try learning how to just be your friend...

-Try not to cut my hand as I promised jia ....