Mr. LoNely

Mr lonely needs more friends...=)

Now I found that I like typing...hahahaha...

it's pretty cool and pretty fun when you do typing in a super fast speed and don't need to look at the keyboard which I am now doing =) hahahahaha....

Well I am now having my so called "holiday"...but then I more prefer to college least I hang out, at least I got something else to do...

Honestly I don't like staying at home...for no reason..I am just like a puppet..don't talk, don't smile....and just locking myself in da's like a jail? or...hotel room? ishk....

This afternoon just received a letter from UCSI...yep... My guess was right, it's da bill for my next semester fees....Omg ....I wonder what's wrong with their mind...I selected the same subjects with my friends..for my fren, the warehousing subject was declined and mine was approved...wth...??!!!

hahaha...feel kinda insecure to study in this college but then what to do...I have decided not to change college again from the moment I stepped into this college...the only choice I have now is to finish them as soon as possible then step out to the society and start working ....

Many of them asked me, "Houng, any plan during your holiday? "
hahaha...the answer is no...~!
No vacation, no plan and not even thinking about any outing with friends yet...=)
If that's possible will just keep staying at home...and YEAH!!! I said I wanted to keep fit...and now I am trying so so hard =) eat less~ force myself to do pumping and set up...=) with I will be succeed~

Dying my hair could be cool I think? change a new look....since I never put any color on my hair ? erm...what about do some changes on my clothes? well these will cost some money..hahaha...

My uncle always remind me to enjoy my college life while I still can~ =) yea I know I should~ And probably I am gonna meet some new friends? as I always do =) hahahaha..
I feel that my friends are just like the theory in account....when debit exists, for sure there will be credit..hahaha....what I am trying to say is....every sem I got new friends...and then at the same time I lost some friends too.....wonder why ..=) even we said we will be best friend for forever...promise means nothing for human being =) hahaha


Yesterday was actually the day I have been waiting for a long time ..the day that I was going to meet my Mina..the best girl I have ever met....

Before we met, you told me something about our relationship, you said we were just friend and unlike last time...

Ends up you were the one who hold my hand and the one who called me HONEY....You said so but you didn't want to do so..right?
You still missing the days we holding each other hand and stick like a lovely bird...right?

And so were the only girl who made me feel the most comfortable when going out with...I could hold your hand, some time hug you, or even a kiss maybe when I couldn't control myself? I didn't need to hide anything or care the sight from others...which I seriously didn't like.

I could even remember what you have taught me, what we did and many changed me and I am now still affecting by you..

Always enjoy the moment in the cinema with you...coz I can hold your little hand when watching movie..

You were just so sweet and lovely...but when you left me...I was back to alone again...I got no one to love...

It's not like I don't want to text you with da lovely way....
It's not like I don't want to be close with you....

Not just yesterday but I have been thinking about this question and asking myself for a couple days already...
Yep...honestly I feel happy when Hong receive your lovely message everyday...
You were like so care about me...wanted to know what I was doing every minute, every second...

That would be perfect if you were my gf...but the fact was...nope..

What if one day you find a guy that you like...Will you still care about me like present?
will you......?

This is just too complicated and ....insecure....

And the best solution I have figured out is....let's be friend...kay?

.....lastly, I would like to apologize to you Vivian.....Now I know what did you mean by "this is just so insecure" last time...I just experienced it....

About Me

My photo
about me har~? normal people but wish to make more friends....=D

ah pek and I ^^

ah pek and I ^^

(o0o)? hahaha...

(o0o)? hahaha...

My target......

-Try not to be emo ...

- Try to be single but not alone...

-Try to study hard....

-Try learning how to manage time and money...

-Try learning how to just be your friend...

-Try not to cut my hand as I promised jia ....