Mr. LoNely

Mr lonely needs more friends...=)

I can still remember how I get this name...
It was given by Jesmyn, because she said I look emo when she first met me...

That's true but after some time I became better....
But now the problem comes again....

So.. Emo is back.....
Actually start from Sunday 10pm....I forced myself not to sleep as long as I can...
But then I was only able to make it 1 day plus....28 hours+ only ...

Okay, I know I am nuts...but this way is much better than hurting myself I guess....bored with the way already...

Woi, find some activities for me to join lar wei...I don't want to make myself crazy coz of her, the one who used to be my only one.....the only one I trusted and loved the most....yea..past tense, USED TO......


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About Me

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about me har~? normal people but wish to make more friends....=D

ah pek and I ^^

ah pek and I ^^

(o0o)? hahaha...

(o0o)? hahaha...

My target......

-Try not to be emo ...

- Try to be single but not alone...

-Try to study hard....

-Try learning how to manage time and money...

-Try learning how to just be your friend...

-Try not to cut my hand as I promised jia ....