Mr. LoNely

Mr lonely needs more friends...=)

She was the best or could say the funniest girl I have ever met....My dear Mina jon....

The end of the previous year...we seperated because of studies...
I seldom cry but I was crying like hell that time...=(

Recently we do contact with each other no matter in Msn or sms...
She.. asks me to get a gf...but at the same not want any girl to hurt me ....>.<

Sorry I cannot do that matter how many girls I got feel with them...
At the end I think that you are still the best one for me ...=D

I have set your photo as wallpaper in my phone...
To remind me how good you are, to remind me set studies as the priority=)

I promise you I will find a good girl if there is a chance...=)
Don't want you to worry about me anymore ..=)

We are that close but we are impossible to become couple anymore...
We are friend but somehow feel like it exceeds the limit =)?

never care what is coming tomorrow..=) just enjoy the day while we still can =)


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