Mr. LoNely

Mr lonely needs more friends...=)

wake up -> breakfast -> class-> home-> shower->nap-> find something to eat -> online-> sleep->

How long I did not go out with my gang or friends already?
hehe...quite long time ed...

reason for never outing lately?
first, save money due to my house is facing financial problem..
second, faking lazy ...don't have such mood to hang around or movie...its always the same places, same things to do ..where to go ? ts? Mv? Sg wang? what to do ? hang around? bowling? movie?

the longer I stay outside the more money I will spend...
spend on some stuffs just to kill my time but will never bring me any hapiness.....

sorry to all my dear friends...its not like I don't want to update..but its really nothing has happened to me these days....X)

perhaps I would post something that what I was thinking feeling...they would be kinda grey..... =(

Never put any hope or expectation, then you will feel much happier when it really happens....


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About Me

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about me har~? normal people but wish to make more friends....=D

ah pek and I ^^

ah pek and I ^^

(o0o)? hahaha...

(o0o)? hahaha...

My target......

-Try not to be emo ...

- Try to be single but not alone...

-Try to study hard....

-Try learning how to manage time and money...

-Try learning how to just be your friend...

-Try not to cut my hand as I promised jia ....