Mr. LoNely

Mr lonely needs more friends...=)

It was like a rule or what...

Many people will simply make a promise: we can be best friend forever...

Maybe I am one of them? just forget what I have said then ....

From primary school to secondary school, secondary school to college life...My friends were just getting lesser....We did not contact each others...

Yea, Life is like this....

Enjoy the life in primary school...No love, no complicated relationship, but just happy childhood with lots of sports =) yea hong likes sports....

Secondary school...was still okay with form 1 and 2...but form 3? felt curious with love, want to have a try, and I got hurt....I was so fat that time, no wonder girls would just run away^^

Now I am a college boy...and I have tried, or experience something new and funny....

Why "flower-hearted" this word is just using on boy?
Can girls just answer me without any hesitation that you never like few guys in a same time?

I trust you no more when you tell me you like me or you love me with some hesitation...
I don't want to be substitute, yea I am leaving from your world, or maybe I have already left....the complicated world...well, just be friend...

The possibility for Hong to like a girl with 100% is impossible now...yea, so-called "flower hearted" by people...

But how much love you put on me, the same AMOUNT of love I will let you feel...

LOVE is no longer uncountable....isn't it?


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About Me

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about me har~? normal people but wish to make more friends....=D

ah pek and I ^^

ah pek and I ^^

(o0o)? hahaha...

(o0o)? hahaha...

My target......

-Try not to be emo ...

- Try to be single but not alone...

-Try to study hard....

-Try learning how to manage time and money...

-Try learning how to just be your friend...

-Try not to cut my hand as I promised jia ....